Your server IP address: The IP is the numerical address to your server.The Server Host name can be found in the AMP technical Details biz#.: Each server has a server Hostname.: All domains are set up with an “ FTP” sub-domain You can use the for the host as well.: You can use your domain for the host name.An example of what your host name looks like are as follows: You have several options for your FTP host, and all will work the same. The FTP host is what your program uses to find your server. you can get your username by Viewing Your Account’s technical information in AMP.
To connect to your account via FTP using your cPanel user credentials, you need to use the username and password for your cPanel. For more information regarding setting up specific FTP clients, please see the following links: The exact steps to configure each FTP client vary.

There are many free FTP clients available, such as Filezilla (Windows and Mac) and Cyberduck (Mac).

To connect to your account via FTP, you need to use an FTP client. In the Special FTP Accounts section, you will see an icon of a little person, click the Configure FTP Client link to the right, and you will see your settings displayed:.Under Files click the FTP Accounts button.Getting Started Quick Start Guide to using FTP Setting If you are not sure what the “ Home” directory is, please see our article on What directory should I put my files in?. If you use the cPanel username and password, you can connect directly to your servers “ Home” directory. You DO NOT have to create an FTP account to connect to your server. With FTP, you can upload all your files to your server at once. InMotion Hosting has the cPanel File Manager that you can use to upload files to your server however, the File Manager requires you to upload one file at a time. Connecting to your server is fast and easy when using FTP access.